Friday, March 26, 2010

Hemavan, Sweden

Tomorrow morning we are on our way to Hemavan, Sweden. Tonight is all about doing laundry, packing, charging different electrical devices and doing last minute shopping. Drive is going to be prettttty long but I'm confident that it would go fast. It's just a blink of an eye. A long 16 hour blink of an eye.


Friday, March 19, 2010

Attack from under the sofa in 3....2...

Friday 19th

I am really looking forward to our trip to Swedish Lapland, to ski resort called Hemavan. We heard that this winter there has been snow like nobodies business. Hopefully we too get some fresh powder. I've been stocking CF cards and polishing my 5D mkII and I'm ready to go. Only thing that troubles me a bit is our 13 hour drive. But I reckon that that will be a fun packed 13 hours, at least when tiredness hits.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

It's alive.... again.

Having a blog and not updating it is having a blog and not updating it.

You know, I'm normally not that kind of person that writes everything down and instantly let's people know what I think and wonder. All this new social-media thing and blogs are kind of new twist to my personality. Tweeting, writing and showing my pics takes an extra effort for me. I guess I have taken intentionally a little break from all of these activities. So during spring and summer there hasn't been that much activity on my blog and tweets. Lot has been going on though.

Another thing that I feel bad about is photography. I haven't taken out my 5DMKII as much as I should have. But now comes the autumn and I hope that it inspires me to carry my camera with me more.

But I will post few pics from this summer as soon as I export those from Lightroom. Right now I'm lying in my bed, having a flu. Not that swine one, just a good old regular one.